Health Care & Cosmetics

This field is a challenging mix of scientific based RnD with a strong sense of consumer perspective. We are together with our clients working with issues such as exchange to more gentle cleansing agents, fragrance release from different matrixes and finding the optimal viscoelastic properties, to mention some.

When it comes to personal care, cosmetics and health care one of the very important issues is how the product feels. How does the user appreciate texture, smell or application of the lotion? Can the bath foam be more stable and thicker? Can the conditioner flow easier and the hair color flow less? Can the shampoo be such that dirt is rinsed away and a silicon shine is left behind? Very often, the colloidal question is: how does it flow, a question we answer through rheological measurements and can adjust using knowledge of additives, polymer chemistry and physical chemistry. In this field we have added innovation and new IP to our customers.

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