When in times of trouble – look at us as the bridge over those troubled waters.
A bridge between the scientific frontier with state-of-the-art instrumentation on one shore and on the other; industrial needs such as consumer expectations, shelf lives, patent litigations and process costs. We speak the language of both lands and work efficiently on the frontier.
To get in contact with us is really easy! Select your favourite way from the following:

Visit us at:
The Chemical Centre
Naturvetarvägen 14
Lund, Sweden
We have FIKA at 09:30 and 14:30 every day and you are very welcome to join!
You can call CEO and Sales Manager Anna Stenstam at +46 702 599 755
or direct to any chosen Team Member.
Or you can use this Contact form to send us a message!
Or Write to info@crcom.se
If your company is using Science Exchange, you can start ordering from us directly since all IPR and NDA is taken care of: Order on Science Exchange
Postal address: c/o Chemical Centre, Box 124, SE 22100 Lund, Sweden.
Delivery address: Chemical Centre, Naturvetarvägen 16, SE22362 Lund, Sweden.