This is where we deliver the project report and help disseminate its conclusions.

The report can take different forms, depending on the project. You might want a classical written report, but sometimes it’s more useful to have an updated version of the presentation from the result discussion, clarifying key subjects and incorporating the ideas developed during our meetings. Either way, the raw data will also be made available to you. We can also provide tech transfers. These are detailed descriptions of the methods we have used, which can be very important for further research.

We often share results further by presenting them to a larger internal audience. It’s often valuable for your colleagues to engage with us and ask questions directly, in this way learning how and why to implement our findings.

Sharing for implementation and impact

Education is crucial to sustainability. Presenting our findings in the way that is most appropriate to your organization makes it more likely that they will be properly utilized and that genuine sustainable changes will be implemented.

Some clients select a more fundamental webinar or other form of training, asking us to tailor this using their systems and materials in the examples. This is an excellent way of building on practical needs to widen the platform to make efficient and smart changes. If you are interested in examples of trainings provided by us, follow this link.

Reporting and sharing is crucial, connect to both Anna and Tobias for this!

Please feel free to explore other parts of our process below

At CR, we provide scientifically sound and sustainable business direction.

The three concepts in this process – science, sustainability, business – aren’t incompatible. Quite the opposite. Because of overlapping global crises and the regulations put in place to deal with them, only solutions that embrace environmental, social and economic sustainability are good for business.

So, we make sustainability a consideration at every stage of our projects. And in our experience this improves both methodologies and outcomes.

Here’s a guide to how we do it: science, sustainability and business step by step.

How we work

Reporting and sharing

We deliver a final report in the most useful format.
We supply raw data and technical details.
We present to your organization to prompt sustainable change.

Reporting and Sharing

Feedback and wrap-up

This is where we look back and look forward.
We collect and analyze opinions from everyone involved.
We analyze the resource use.
We eat cake.

Feedback and Wrap-Up

Making Contact

We introduce ourselves and learn a little about each other.
We find out if we meet your needs, your ways of working and your supplier policy.
We see if the project is compatible with our sustainability goals.

Making Contact

Defining the Scope

Here, we define the problem and a satisfactory outcome.
We formulate a hypothesis, what’s needed and what’s nice.
We find out what sustainable alternatives are suitable.

Defining the scope

Reaching an agreement

We outline the work we’ll do.
We show you what the results might look like.
We explore specific sustainability details.
We make an official quote.

Reaching an agreement


Here, we clarify expectations, establish project structure and confirm goals.
We ensure we truly embed sustainability in the project.
We manage the impact of project work via a materiality assessment.
We assess the project’s wider impact with a stakeholder analysis.


The Project

We ask the questions, what do we see? and what does it mean?
We use the most appropriate instruments and methods.
We observe opportunities to be more sustainable, now and in the future.
We keep you involved in decision-making.

The Project

Result Discussion

Here, we assess the data as a whole and in context.
We discuss what the results mean: to you and the planet.
We elaborate on our findings.
We identify sustainability risks and opportunities.

Result Discussion