We have the possibility to use various X-ray technologies in the different projects but foremost we use SAXS (Small Angle X-ray Scattering), WAXS (Wide Angle X-ray Scattering) and XRPD (X-ray powder diffraction).
The X-ray scattering at low angles detected with SAXS reveals information on distances on the larger (!) nanometer scale and thus SAXS is used to study macro-structures such as the swelling of a lamellar liquid crystal or identification of phase transitions between different liquid crystalline morphologies. WAXS provides information on packing and structure on the shorter scale, such as the packing of surfactant head groups in a liquid crystalline structure.
SAXS is a fundamental technique in our research and development projects and we are privileged to have the possibility to use state-of the art instrumentation, even when we need a synchrotron source for our measurements there is one just next door… at the MAX IV laboratory.
A white paper, by Marta Gubitosi on light-, x-ray and neutron scattering can be downloaded from below.