Stefan Ulvenlund was appointed Professor in Formulation Science, October 23 on the same day as the Formulation Symposia Realizing Reformulation was held here at Lund University. A coincidence yes, but not less fantastic. We are very proud to host not only Applied Science but also this clear link to academia through our Team Members and their various collaborations. In order to be able to bring our clients the best value we need to be really great, know the latest and complement our client’s profound experience of their products and processes with our fundamental understanding of what is really happening. Through Stefan’s professorship we will take part in more PhD and post-Doc projects and through time this knowledge will come to our client’s benefit. Until then, we will just have fun learning more! Se our list of scientific publications to know what we do when we are not working for you.
CR proudly presents – our CSO is now Professor in Formulation Science!