Friday June 2nd, our CEO Anna Stenstam was appointed to Doctor Honoris Causa, Honorary Doctor, at the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University. We at CR are incredibly happy that Lund University has seen what we try to accomplish with our way of interfacing between Academy and Industry. Much more can be done and we hope and believe this is the starting point of a deepened collaboration between our organizations in the city of Lund.
The ceremony was completely in Latin and here is the motivation…
“Anna Stenstam, doctrix praeclaríssima et rectrix exsecutória societátis CR Competence nuncupátae, quae res industriáles scientífice explórans et evólvens ad cooperatiónem universitátis cum indústria quaestuósa augéndam plúrium contulísti!”
Anna is very honoured by the award and grateful for the support from so many parties including of course the wonderful Team at CR who make everything happen.
Vale, praeclaríssima technologíae doctrix Lundensis!